The rapid evolution of socio-economic condition in the modern world is making people more and more concerned about their basic human rights. The technological advancement is causing people of different creed, caste and religion to come closer day by day all over the world. Therefore, the underprivileged people are becoming more conscious of their basic rights, which are mostly availed in developed countries. This change in people is encouraged and appreciated by all of us. But as of now, mostly due to the lack of proper information and communication, integrated efforts cannot be taken to uphold the basic rights of underprivileged people, who shares the greater segment of the population throughout the world.
Even today, people cannot tag themselves with the flow of modern society, nor can they be intimated with modern scientific. technological thoughts. As a result, there are so many nations where human rights are transgressed and violated every day. To overcome this, mankind must be conscious and aware about their human rights. Hence, massive campaigns for upholding the basic rights of people are taking place across the world with universal respect for humanity in general. Let us consider the scenario of Bangladesh, a country where the majority of the people are illiterate with little or no concern. about their basic rights. They are less informed and unmotivated due to the void and inconsistency in the field of spreading. awareness of the subject matter. Both traditional and modern media of Bangladesh are frail in developing a communicational linkage with grassroots needed in regards of the basic rights for their decent survival. As a result, inhumane activities and crimes like torture of women and children, drug abuse, trafficking of women and children, abduction, rape, acid throwing, dowry demand repressions, illegal police torture and death in police custody, social irregularities and injustice and other gross Human Rights violations are spreading throughout the country everyday. And in this situation, Advocate Md. Shahjahan started telecasting on Bangladesh Television a human rights oriented magazine program called ‘Drishtikone’ (Angle of Vision) with the view to conscientize the grassroots of their basic rights. A society was unraveled where majority of the people were ignorant and aloof of their rights, and were the most vulnerable to human rights violation committed by a handful of influential people. In most cases it was apparent that had they been aware of their rights, it would not have been violated to such a great extent. Though the said TV program was produced and aired with a perspective to address most cases of human rights violation occurring throughout the country, the actual number of such violations were at such a peak that covering all, or most of them was practically not possible. And the ones which were covered could not get any institutional support of legal assistance in aspect of ‘Human Rights Violation’. In such a situation ‘Bureau of Human Rights Bangladesh-BRHB’ was established in 1994 with a vision and aim to fill in the voids which the said TV program alone could not fill, and hence provide legal assistance and support broadly throughout all the districts of Bangladesh in the aspects of life that are related to human rights.
Our Major Objectives are:
- To create social awareness and deterrent
- To make people more conscious about their human, social, and legal rights
- To extend legal aid to the poor, exploited, oppressed and those deprived of human rights
- To create public opinion count and to make the decision makers concerned
- To eliminate poverty from the society
- To campaign for a free and fair conduct of Electoral process in order to ensure voter rights
- To play a vital role against gross Human Rights violation, social problems & irregularities, injustice,
- repression, torture, terrorism, death in police custody, rape, cruelty to and trafficking of women and children
Our Major Services:
- Free legal aid services
- Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) Mediation
- Internship and human rights workshop
- Training services
- Production of TV spots.
- Seminars/Symposiums
- Collecting and publishing Human rights violation and Law & order Situational reports of the country
- Research and Documentation
- Publications
- Developing and encouraging employment of women and those unemployed through income generation
- Monitoring national election and by-election Advocacy on important national issues
- Fact finding & Investigations